Dashi – Jeta sentimentale e çifteve do të jetë e qetë sot. Do të flisni hapur me njëri-tjetrin dhe do të bini në mirëkuptim për gjithçka. Në planin financiar tregohuni më të kujdesshëm dhe menaxhojini me maturi të ardhurat që keni. Demi – Ditë e vështirë kjo e sotmja për ata që janë në një lidhje. Do të debatoni shpesh me partnerin dhe nuk do hapni rrugë aspak. Financat do të jenë më të mira sesa mendoheshin dhe do i zgjidhni edhe problemet që keni pasur para disa kohësh. Binjakët – Do të jeni xheloze sot për ata që keni…
Author: Lokimagazine
Luiz Ejlli ishte banori më i dashur nga publiku gjatë qëndrimit të tij në shtëpinë e “Big Brother VIP 2”, nga ku doli dhe si fitues. Por duket se dashuria e publikut për të nuk mbaroi me përfundimin e spektaklit, teksa shpesh në publik ai shihet i rrethuar nga fansa. Kështu ka ndodhur edhe së fundmi në Velipojë ku po kalon pushimet, teksa një fanse i është afruar për ti kërkuar foto. Edhe pse në shumë raste të tjera ai nuk nguron dhe tregohet shumë i afërt me të gjithë, këtë herë ka refuzuar. Ai shihet teksa i shpjegon fanses…
Agron Llakaj është jo vetëm shkollë për Romeo dhe Donald Veshaj, por në të njëjtën kohë njeriu që promovoi dhe bëri të njohur binjakët e showbizit shqiptar. Aktori i njohur i humorit duket që i ka mbështetur fuqishëm të dy djemtë edhe kur ata zgjodhën të ndërtonin karrierën e tyre jashtë “Al Pazar”. Së fundmi bëhet me dije se komediani i famshëm shqiptar, Agron Llakaj do të jetë pjesë e filmit të Borës dhe Donaldit. Burime për Kryefjala bëjnë me dije se Goni është parë në sheshxhirimet e filmit në disa prej ambienteve të Topit (ku janë xhiruar disa nga…
Arbenita Ismajli mundohet të qëndrojë larg konflikteve dhe përplasjeve virtuale, por këtë herë ka reaguar ashpër pas disa komenteve dhe publikimeve të papërshtatshme. Ajo ndau së fundmi një video në Instagram ku shihej në ashensor me një objekt në dorë, dhe kjo video është nxjerrë janë kontekstit me persona që kanë dashur të nxisin aludime mbi atë që ajo mban në dorë. Videoja i ka rënë në sy modeles e cila komenton: “Ma keni shpifur. Kurrë nuk keni për tu bërë burra shqiptarë. Turp. Si të jeni serbë. Jazëk qumështi i nënës. Nuk e di kush po ju edukon kështu.…
Celine Dion will no longer sing. Her condition is worsening, and she can no longer leave her home. For some time now, she has been battling with the debilitating ‘stiff person syndrome.’ The 55-year-old is now so weakened that she hates to leave her house, even for a short period, and has no plans to return to her tour, the dates of which she canceled in May. A few weeks ago, the star’s sister, Claudette, revealed in an interview that Celine was trying to find effective treatments for her rare autoimmune disease: “She is disciplined in every aspect of her…
Rihanna and A$AP Rocky are now parents of two children. The singer gave birth to another son at the beginning of this month, as reported by TMZ. Sources close to the couple told the media that the baby was born in Los Angeles on August 3rd. The baby’s name has not been revealed, but it is believed to start with an R. The stars are parents to their son RZA, who was born in May 2022. Rihanna and A$AP Rocky had been friends for years before officially announcing their relationship in 2020. Rihanna talked about her expectations for motherhood in…
Everyone is eagerly awaiting Drake’s album, which doesn’t have an official release date yet but will be a continuation of his 2022 albums “Honestly, Nevermind” and “Her Loss.” To keep fans curious, the rapper has shared the album cover titled “For All The Dogs” on his Instagram profile: a white dog with red eyes against a black background, designed by his 5-year-old son Adonis. The 36-year-old rapper welcomed his son with his former flame Sophie Brussaux, with whom he had a brief relationship in 2017. The album “For All the Dogs” doesn’t have a set release date yet, but during…
Miley Cyrus’s mother, Tish, married actor Dominic Purcell and the absence of her two children, Noah and Braison Cyrus, was noticed during the wedding, as they spent time together. Noah posted a photo on Instastory wearing a shirt of her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, and fans interpreted it as a gesture towards her mother’s wedding, suggesting that Noah chose to support her father. The Cyrus family has had some public dramas, hinting that the separation between Tish and Billy was not entirely peaceful. On the other hand, in May of this year, Noah wished her mother a happy birthday via…
Of all the things to break a record for, the most liked picture on Instagram is probably one of the biggest challenges. So, here goes. These are 20 most liked posts on Instagram. Number 20 making the bottom of the list is Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy announcement. The photo currently has 24.7 million likes and is almost two years old. At number 19 is Tom Holland’s post of TheSpiderman Meme with Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire and it has 25.2 million likes. At number 18 is this selfie that Selena Gomez posted and it currently has over 26 million likes. It’s…
We ended the month of July with a very sad news. Angus Cloud, who played Fezco in Euphoria, died on July 31 at the age of 25. It was rumored that the cause of his death was suicide, but in a touching post his mother rejected this. In her Facebook status she tells how he spent his last day, rearranging the room. “Friends, I want you all to know that I appreciate your love for my family during this difficult time. I also want you to know that although my son was deeply saddened by his father’s untimely death from…