Dua Lipa do ta mbajë mend këtë verë.
Ylli i muzikës ka shijuar në maksimum stinën e nxehtë duke udhëtuar në vende të ndryshme.
Për Vogue ajo ka folur për destinacionet e saj të preferuara duke folur për pushimet në Greqi e Xhamajka e duke mos harruar Shqipërinë.
Madje ajo e ka renditur bregdetin shqiptar si të parin në listën e saj.
“Nga trashëgimia shqiptare, Dua Lipa pëlqen të shfrytëzojë sa më shumë verën në shtëpi. Një destinacion që thjesht pret të zbulohet, Shqipëria është e mbushur me plazhe sublime, shkëmbinj shkëmbor dhe fshatra tradicionalë, të gjitha këto mbeten relativisht të paprekura nga turizmi masiv”, ka shkruar Vogue për vendin tonë.
The National Assembly of the Democratic Party and the following events are the topic of discussion tonight on the show “Repolitix” by journalist Denis Minga. The guests Arben Meçaj, founder of PD, Aulon Kalaja, member of the National Council of PD, MP Andi Përmeti and analyst Plator Nesturi debated about the latest exclusions in PD.
Meçaj made a strong statement when he said that the only thing that the National Assembly brought is the applause for Berisha and against the USA. According to him the anti-American applause came as a prepared scenario.
“PD was not born because I got up and was founded. It was the spirit that created the Democratic Party. We simply advanced this spirit. Those who come must really represent that spirit. They should not shout against America. They as a sect in the Assembly shouted against America and with the applause in favor of Berisha were a message to the USA. Berisha could have avoided that show. “It was a clean scenario,” he said.
According to him, the National Assembly was convened by Sali Berisha and not Lulzim Basha.
“There is talk of an Assembly organized by Basha, it turned out that Berisha dominated the Assembly until he turned the Assembly against Basha. That Assembly was not the Assembly of Basha, it was the Assembly of Sali Berisha. The Assembly that Basha brought and that I said I brought, obviously seemed to belong absolutely to Sali Berisha and had only one message, the whole Assembly, even became so visible that you can see a conference, see the applause. This one even when he appeared before the media had the same spirit and gave the message, 710 are enough for us to resist and respond. That Assembly was called by Sali Berisha. To demonstrate against Basha? “Absolutely not, Basha is his appointee, to those others because those who were allegedly brought.