More than a month later, Caroline Crouch’s killers have not yet been found. Greek police are doing everything possible to…
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Waxing is one of the issues that ‘worries’ women the most, but in modern times, not even men are left…
[ad_1] OnePlus dhe Oppo ka vendosur ta bëjnë zyrtare. Pasi bashkëpunuar ngushtë prej ca kohësh, kompanitë kanë vendosur të shkrihen…
Aleksandar Vucic said in a written statement that he would inform the Serbian Parliament about the details of the negotiations…
AMD today launched a new variant of Radeon 6900 XT with liquid cooling. The extra cooling system means that the…
The 27 ambassadors of the European Union agreed today that to remove travel restrictions for travelers from Albania, Serbia and…
Spotify today launched Greenroom, the response to Clubhouse for iOS and Android marking the first attempt at creating a social…
Paulo Pogba has become the last player to remove a European Championship sponsor from the press conference table. A few…
Like social networks, publishing houses do not seem to be opening the “door” to former US President Donald Trump. What…
[ad_1] Për ata që dëshirojnë të personalizojnë iPhone e tyre, jailbreaking ka qenë gjithmonë një mënyrë ekselente për ta bërë…