Waxing is one of the issues that ‘worries' women the most, but in modern times, not even men are left behind. Dr. Kim Drasa has chosen to explain for both genders, the benefits but also the ‘problems' that pubic area waxing has.
The pubis is the place in the human body, at the bottom of the abdomen, before the male and female urogenital organs begin.
According to the doctor, women or men who wax this area, should be careful of the effects of hair removal with wax or razor.
Below you can also find the advice given by the doctor.
BY Prof. Dr. Kim Drasa
PUBIS is called the place in the human body, at the bottom of the abdomen, before the male and female uro-genital organs begin. This area is covered with hairs, which do not grow as hair grows. The pubis or pubic bone is the front of the pelvic bones. The pubic area, where it is covered with hair is more elevated and therefore called: Mons Pubis (pubic hills). Mons pubis is a hill of flesh (tuli), covered with pubic “hair”, forming the letter V.
This acts as a “cushion” during intercourse (intercourse – insertion of the penis into the vagina).
Sit down, if you stand with your feet relaxed and the first thing you will see are the folds of skin with pubic hair, so look at Mons Pubis. Mons pubis is the only area in the human body that has a divine name: “Mons Venera”. Venus, in the ancient Roman religion, has been the name of the God of Love. So it is clear that Mons Pubis is very important in sexual pleasure.
Throughout the history of mankind, men and women have removed their hair in the pubic area, for various reasons, according to the continents, in relation to health as well as for various reasons.
For example, During the Middle Ages, pubic hair removal was a method of preventing lice from staying and growing in this small “forest”.
- Nowadays pubic hair removal is based more on personal preferences and styles than on health.
- Currently, at the same time, pubic hair removal due to lice is no longer a question, never because women and men are in maximum hygienic conditions.
- Some people find themselves cleaner or more attractive, hairless in Pubis.
- In other cases, hair removal is related to the preferences of the partner / res.
- People also remove these hairs, in the pubic area for sexual reasons.
- Some present greater sensation and satisfaction and sexual sensitivity when they do not have these hairs.
- Other people say that seeing a hairless partner in the pubis is a much bigger sexual stimulus.
- Cases of pubic hair removal are more common among women than among men.
- Hair removal in the pubis is a personal decision and people can be sexually healthy whether or not they have hair in the pubis. This reinforces my saying that, in sex, everything starts, in the brain. (KIM M. DRASA, November, 2014).
- Also, if one chooses the option of removing these hairs, it is important to make him / her feel safe for the best sexual performance.
These can be misleading as they can cause serious health problems, as follows:
- Burning: People can cause the problem of “burning” from the guard razor by creating: Irritated areas; Redness; Bumpy skin. This occurs by removing these razor hairs. There are also chemical burns from depilatories or burns from the use of hot wax (when using the waxing technique to wax these hairs).
- Allergies: Some people experience allergic reactions to depilatories, creams, or other products used to pubic the area.
- Cutting: A small mistake when storing hairs can cause painful cuts to the skin in this delicate area, which can be difficult to cure and heal. Some razor cuts may be invisible at the moment, to the naked eye but the evil appears shortly after the cut has occurred.
- Infections: Hair removal in the pubis can increase the risk of infection in this area causing: (a) Folliculitis (follicle-hair follicle infection); (b) Strep and Staph infections, such as Staphylococcus aureus Methicillin Resistant (MRSA) infection, which is a problematic, worldwide infection to be cured (In the USA, 119,000 patients were diagnosed in 2017, with infection, in the blood, with Staphylococcus Aureus and about 20,000 people died); (c) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), such as Human Papilloma Virus and Herpes genitalis. (This is a big problem because they can be transmitted to the partner's skin). Other problems are: (d) Blisters (bags of fluid under the skin); (e) Pucer (purper); (f) Redness and itching (area to itch in Pubis).
Persons who present with these complications, as above, should immediately come to the clinic for consultation. DO NOT neglect.
How common is hair removal, in Pubis — partially or completely?
Men and women, for centuries, have trimmed, regulated, their hair in the pubis. However, this practice, ie hair removal, in Pubis seems to have become more common (routine) nowadays. This is happening, especially among young girls, in Western culture.
Some people decide to remove all their hair in the Pubis while others choose the removal option, not of all the hairs but only in some areas, such as the inside, thighs or above the Vagina. Others modify it to beautify the Pubic area from time to time.
The cleaning of the pubic area may also depend on some other circumstances, such as going to the doctor or going on vacation.
In 2016, JAMA of Dermatology (USA), published a study, conducted on women, residing in the USA, on cleaning (washing and wiping) hair, on the pubis. The study included 3,316 women between the ages of 18-65.
The researchers found: 84% responded that they cleaned their hair in the pubis at some point in life so irregularly. Most of these women were young. Of these women who stated that they had cleaned their hair in the pubic area, almost half of them stated that they performed this procedure weekly or monthly.
About uan of these reported that the cleaning (hair removal in the pubis) was performed on and around the Vagina. Also, 61% of these women had used non-electric razors and 18% of them had used ordinary scissors.
Information for men is scarce. Also, another study in 2015, published in the journal European Sexological Medicine (JSM), observed pubic hair removal among 1,110 students (male & female) at two universities in the USA. About 195 of men stated that they usually removed pubic hair, compared to 50% of women.
Specifically, hair removal, in the pubis, occurred about three times more often in women than in men. Also, 22% of men reported haircuts in the pubis, so they did not cut them completely, while for women this ratio was 6% (ie they cut these hairs). In addition, 13% of men never touched these hairs. Also 4% of women stated the same.
Nowadays hair removal in the pubic area is generally a matter of style and personal preference. In practice, this action has no specific medical benefits.
Still, moreover, people who choose the option of hair removal in the pubis, are advised to do this procedure as carefully as possible, to avoid complications, which I mentioned above as currently happened to the Real footballer , Moscow, who did not play some time ago because he had a severe infection, in the pubic area, caused by depilation in abnormal conditions, of the pubic area.
- Nature has done everything with perfection.
- Hair in MONS PUBIS is not like hair growing and should be trimmed or removed at all (Zero).
- Do not forget that if you do not remove these hairs, they will grow, and will extend to the toes (Haaaaaaha).
- Based on this and the cases studied, I come to the conclusion:
- The hairs of Mons Pubis should not be removed, completely;
- Complete hair removal in Pubis poses no health benefits;
- On the contrary, removing these hairs with the “barbaric” methods I presented above, can cause major, life-threatening infections;
- STAPHYLOCOCCUS Aureus is the most dangerous and easiest microbe to infect (located on the skin) that causes invasive, purulent infections and at worst causes septic condition and worse still going through the bloodstream, endangering your life to death. (In the USA, in 2017, about 20,000 people died out of 119,000 infected with Staphylococcus aureus, introduced into the bloodstream (Bloodstream infections).
- HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS (HPV) which is the most dangerous virus and the only sexually transmitted virus that causes organ cancer (Cervix, Cervix, Vagina, Penis, Throat) can be transmitted, easily when the skin, in the pubis is damaged by methods, “Macabre” used for hair removal, Pubis.
- HERPES SIMPLEX it is also this virus that can infect you, in cases where you damage the skin during waxing.
- Purulent hair root infections are very common, routine, after waxing.
- Choose (put on scales) better waxing with infections until you take life or not waxing.
- Of course only to be maintained as a sacred “Forest”.
- People, never go against “MOTHER NATURE.”
- People have risked their lives and lost their lives every time they came out against “Mother Nature.”
- To reinforce the miracle of hair at MONS PUBIS, I am quoting what genius:
- NAPOLEON BONAPARTI wrote in a letter to JOSEPHINE (the woman, of the only love, of his life), when he was away from her, in the war: