SPAK has completed the investigation for Ylli Ndroqi.
SPAK requests the Special Court to confiscate the assets of 32 Ylli Ndroqi (aka Xhemail Pasmaçiu). From the income and expenses it results that Ylli Ndroqi has 3 million euros unjustified and that during the investigation phase he could not again justify their source.
Currently, 32 assets of Ylli Ndroqi were in preventive seizure, while today SPAK requests from the Special Court against corruption to confiscate them. Confiscation is required under the anti-mafia law which has retroactive effect
During the investigation, six (6) other immovable properties (land and buildings) with a total area of 9232.8 m2 and a value of 186 737 511 ALL (about 1.6 million euros) located in Tirana were also identified.
The Special Prosecution against Corruption and Organized Crime in Tirana, has completed the verifications regarding the property proceedings no. 10, dated 21.07.2020, against the citizen Ylli Ndroqi (alias Xhemail Pasmaçiu), born and residing in Tirana.
The verifications carried out initially identified movable and immovable property owned by the citizen Ylli Ndroqi (alias Xhemail Pasmaçiu) and his family, for which the Court with decision No. 16, dated 01.08.2020, decided to seize them.
Subsequent in-depth verifications were performed and it resulted that six (6) other immovable properties were identified (land and buildings) with a total area of 9232.8 m2 and a value of 186 737 511 ALL (about 1.6 million euros) located in Tirana. . Based on the request submitted by the Special Prosecution, the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime, with decision no. 15, dated 03.06.2021, decided to seize them. At the end of the property investigation it was concluded that:
The ratio between the Income and Expenditures of the citizen Ylli Ndroqi (Xhemail Pasmaçiu) and his family members, in each year, as well as the status of their final Balance is:
In total for the whole period together are:
Total Income: 1 048 667 240 ALL.
Total Expenses: 1 418 522 446 leke.
Uncovered expenses with income are: – 369 855 206 leke.
Or about 3 million euros.
Meanwhile, in detail according to the years, the ratio between income and expenses is presented as follows:
See the full document
Regarding the sequestrated assets, there are all the conditions provided in article 24 of law no. 10192, dated 03.12.2009 “On the prevention and crackdown on organized crime, trafficking and corruption through preventive measures against assets”, to decide on their confiscation .
First, the citizen Ylli Ndroqi (Xhemail Pasmaçiu) was investigated for committing criminal offenses provided by Articles 283 / a, 333 / ae 334 of the Criminal Code, for this reason pursuant to Article 3/1, letter (a) of the law no.10192 dated 03.12.2009, he is subject to property preventive measures.
Secondly, the above property is owned by the above-mentioned citizens as a subject of law and there is concrete evidence that they are unjustified. Comparing their value with the income earned legally, it turns out that their value does not significantly correspond to the level of income and profits realized legally.
Based on the above, the Special Prosecution on 14.06.2021, requested from the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime, the confiscation of the assets of the citizen Ylli Ndroqi (Xhemal Pasmaçiu) and his family, as follows:
1. Property of the type apartment, with an area of 117 m2, registered on 01.06.2013, with address, Lagjia Nr.13, Plazh, Durrës.
2. Property of land type, with an area of 300 m2, registered on 24.04.2019, with address, Zbarqe, Tirana.
3. Property of land type, with an area of 600 m2, registered on 26.02.2019, on which is located a building with an area of 90 m2, with address, Zbarqe, Tirana.
4. Property of service unit type, with a total area of 43.7 m2, registered on 26.01.2018, with address, Tirana.
5. Property of field type, with a total area of 67.3 m2, registered on 10.05.2017, with address, Tirana.
6. Property of land type, with a total area of 15 m2, registered on 15.02.2016, with address, Tirana.
7. Property of land type, with a total area of 300 m2, registered on 25.02.2019, with address, Zbarqe, Tirana.
8. Property of land type, with a total area of 2026 m2, registered on 10.05.2017, with address, Mullet, Tirana.
9. Property of apartment type, with an area of 52.3 m2, registered on 28.03.2013, with address, Rruga “Qemal Stafa”, Tirana.
10. Forest type property, with a total area of 100,000 m2, registered on 28.01.2016, with address, Lanabregas, Tirana.
11. Vehicle type car, brand Merces-Benz, model S600, black color, with license plates AA 007 YN, owned by the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
12. Vehicle type car, BMW brand, model 760 LI, black color, with license plates AA 007 AV, owned by the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
13. Vehicle type vehicle, Land Rover brand, Range Rover Vogue model, black color, with license plates CD 6902 A, owned by the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
14. Vehicle type car, brand Merces-Benz, model S600, black color, with license plates CD 6901 A, owned by the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
15. Vehicle type car, RollsRoyce brand, PHANTOM model, black color, with license plate AA 001 YN, owned by the citizen Mimoza Ndroqi.
16. Sequestration of the measure of 51% of the shares of the company “Landon”, with NIPT K92226004H, in the name of the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
17. The amount of quotas and shares of the company “YLDON”, with NIPT K31618007S, on behalf of the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
18. The amount of quotas and shares of the company “RENDON OIL” shpk with NIPT L57716501I.
19. The amount of quotas and shares of the company “DON – UCD” with NIPT L51326022D, on behalf of the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
20. Measure of 80% of the quotas and shares of the company “Ecogades Landon Balcan” sh.a., with NIPT L22006005S, with shareholder the company “Landon”, represented by the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
21. Measure of 30% of the quotas and shares of the company “CHANNEL ONE”, with NIPT K12412002L, on behalf of the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
22. Measure of 50% of the quotas and shares of the company “PS 31”, with NIPT L42215016R, on behalf of the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
23. Measure of 80% of the quotas and shares of the company “INTERKINEX” with NIPT J71506006T, with shareholder the company “YLDON”, represented by the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
24. Measure of 60% of the quotas and shares of the company “ORA” sh.a., with NIPT K71505003O, on behalf of the citizen Ylli Ndroqi and the measure of 40% of the quotas on behalf of the citizen Mimoza Ndroqi.
25. The amount of quotas and shares of the company “REN-DON” with NIPT L41622002A, on behalf of the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
26. Measure of 50% of the quotas and shares of the company “ALBANIA BAY MARINE” with NIPT L61307081M, with shareholder the company “YLDON”, represented by the citizen Ylli Ndroqi.
27. Immovable property of land type with an area of 8 781 m2, and construction area 3 038 m2 with address, Rruga “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Tirana.
28. Real estate of unit type, with an area of 150 m2, with address, Boulevard “Bajram Curri”, Tirana, (ETC building).
29. Unit type immovable property, with an area of 59 m2, with address, “Bajram Curri” Boulevard, Tirana, (ETC building).
30. Immovable property of unit type, with an area of 18.3 m2, with address, Boulevard “Bajram Curri”, Tirana, (ETC building).
31. Immovable property of unit type, with an area of 195.1 m2, with address, Boulevard “Bajram Curri”, Tirana, (ETC building).
32. Garage type real estate, with an area of 29.4 m2, with address, “Bajram Curri” Boulevard, Tirana, (ETC building).