New details have emerged from the crime that rocked Greece, where a 20-year-old girl named Caroline, died after a robbery in the apartment where she lived with her husband and 11-month-old baby.
Babis Anagnostopoulos, the husband of the late Caroline, has been summoned again to the Greek prosecutor’s office, where he is expected to ask about some new details that have been revealed by investigators.
He was in Alonissos at the Carolina memorial, where several police officers asked him to go with them.
According to Greek media a key element that is shedding light on Caroline’s death is a biometric watch she was holding in her hand. It is this smartwatch that has recorded the continuous rise and fall of the pulse and then the total stop. The exact time of the young mother’s death was also recorded.
There is a deviation in time from the original testimony given by Babis and for this he will have to talk again with the officers who are investigating the murder. At the same time, the home camera reportedly recorded the last details before the fatal night. In these photos that the police have available, it is seen that Babis is lying on the sofa on the ground floor and holding the baby in his arms.
The memory card appears to have been removed from the registry at a time that does not coincide with the crime. But this also needs to be clarified, as recorder clocks have a time different from the real one. Now Babis has to give other explanations regarding the event that shocked the public opinion.