Duket se sezoni i ri televiziv do e gjejë Dea Mishel me një emision të sajin në “Top Channel”.
Të paktën kështu ka lënë ajo të kuptohet në një postim në Instagram. Dea ka ndarë disa mesazhe nga ndjekësit të cilët e pyesin në do moderojë një emision të sajin në “Top Channel”.
Pa zbuluar detaje krah tyre, Dea shkruan: “Kjo do bëhet shpejt”, duke lënë të kuptohet se tashmë ka në duar një projekt.
Sakaq, Dea thotë se sa i përket aktrimit një projekt është bërë (Në kuadër të dashurisë) teksa një projekt i ri shumë i veçantë është në diskutim. a
According to a study by the WHO and the International Labor Organization, in 2016 there were more than 745,000 deaths from heart attacks and strokes, which were caused by work overload. If you work up to 55 hours a week, be careful because the consequences can be fatal. A report new from the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization shows how the cost of working long hours causes negative effects.
According to the report, which focused on 2016 data, 398,000 people died from strokes and 347,000 from heart disease as a result of working 55 hours or more a week. The global study is the first to examine the deterioration of health and life due to long working hours.
Between 2000 and 2016, work overload increased a person’s risk of heart disease by 42% and the risk of stroke by 19%. Compared to the typical 35 hours or 40 hours a week, if a person works 55 hours or more, researchers estimate that they have a 17% increased risk of heart disease and a 35% increased risk of stroke. Deaths were more pronounced in men, older or middle-aged workers, and people living in areas of the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia.
The study adds that long hours work is on the rise worldwide. Currently, 9% of the entire population works at least 55 hours. Fast company reported on a 2021 survey of employee engagement, which showed that more than half of respondents were concerned about looking as productive as possible in the eyes of their bosses and 44% of respondents compensated for this by working longer hours. According to a study by the WHO and the International Labor Organization, in addition to other symptoms associated with fatigue and stress, working too long can also shorten life expectancy.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, stated in a press release that “No job is worth so much as to cause a stroke or a heart attack. Governments, employers and employees must work together to agree to protect the health of employees.