Luiz Ejlli ishte banori më i dashur nga publiku gjatë qëndrimit të tij në shtëpinë e “Big Brother VIP 2”, nga ku doli dhe si fitues.
Por duket se dashuria e publikut për të nuk mbaroi me përfundimin e spektaklit, teksa shpesh në publik ai shihet i rrethuar nga fansa. Kështu ka ndodhur edhe së fundmi në Velipojë ku po kalon pushimet, teksa një fanse i është afruar për ti kërkuar foto.
Edhe pse në shumë raste të tjera ai nuk nguron dhe tregohet shumë i afërt me të gjithë, këtë herë ka refuzuar. Ai shihet teksa i shpjegon fanses se është lakuriq, vetëm me rroba banje dhe fotoja mund të keqkuptohet.
“Jam lakuriq moj zemër, jam lakuriq. Do thonë pastaj kam fjet me të a, po ta tregoj, do thonë ke fjet me të…”, dëgjohet të thotë Luizi.
Vajza duket se nuk e ka pritur mirë këtë reagim, teksa i ka kthyer, “Avash more...”.
The vaccination campaign against Covid-19 is rightly considered the most effective means of overcoming the pandemic. But there are those who are not convinced by this thesis, and refuse vaccination. Some of them believe that the vaccine is capable of causing serious side effects in the distant future, which have not been detected by continuous tests, so they are very afraid for their health.
There are others who believe that the current pandemic is a giant invention, and the result of a scheme devised by the omnipotent rulers of the world today, and that Covid-19 itself does not exist.
Then there are those who for reasons of age underestimate the risk of disease, but also those who want to be vaccinated but prefer to wait leaving others to be vaccinated before them, while they themselves will decide a little later. In short, this is the diverse “galaxy” of vaccine opponents. It is not a compact group of strange characters. Rather, it includes a host of people associated with conspiracy theories and radical ideas, who are more or less convinced that they are right in what they claim.France: 2 in 10 citizens are opposed to vaccine. According to a poll conducted by the Opinion Way polling institute at the end of May, 65 percent of French people have been vaccinated or intend to do so in the future. 13 percent were undecided, while 20 percent openly showed hostility.