Prej ditësh gazetari i njohur, Bled Mane ka nisur pushimet e tij jashtë Shqipërisë.
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Por ka dhe nga ata që ende e pyesin për Luizin dhe Kiarën, me të cilët pati mjaft përplasje përgjatë qëndrimit në BBV.
“Çu bë me Kiarën dhe Luizin?“, e pyeti dikush.
“Luizi bën lekë, Kiara numëron lekët e Luizit“, ia ktheu Bledi.
Individual and career development goals are pushing the age of motherhood for women. As the number of births is declining rapidly, women prefer to give birth after the age of 30. According to INSTAT data in 2020 there is an increase in the number of births in the age groups 30-34 years old, 35-39 years old and 40-44 years old compared to 2016 (see the attached graph). For example, in 2016, there were 74 births per 1000 women aged 20-24, while in 2020 only 55 births.
In contrast in the age group 35-39 years in 2016 there were 29 births per 1000 women, while in 2020 there were 34 births per 1000 women. There was also an increase for women over 40. In 2016 there were 4.9 births per 1000 women aged 40-45 years, while in 2020 in 1000 women of this age 5.8 children were born.
The decline in the number of births year after year has worsened the quality of generational replacement, as the female replacement gap is widening.
Gross Reproduction Ratio (GCR) is a good indicator for measuring the growth of future generations. It measures the rate at which women replace themselves during the years of reproductive life. In 2020, the RCC is 0.65 which means that women in Albania are about 35 percent away from self-replacement. This indicator is directly influenced by women’s reproductive behavior and preference for having boys.
The number of births in 2020 is 28,075 births. The sex ratio at birth is 107, which shows that for every 100 girls born, 107 boys are born.