Kujt do ia merrte mendja që një varg kënge do shkaktonte një “dramë” virtuale mes çiftit Ledri-Sara dhe Dafina Zeqirit.
Dafina thotë se çifti ka treguar mungesë respekti ndaj saj për të marrë vëmendje, kurse Sara është shprehur se nuk kanë pasur asnjë marrëdhënie.
Përmes ironisë i kërkoi të jetë e ëmbël dhe se u prek nga një varg që e ka krijuar vetë Ledri.
E nëse menduat se gjërat mbaruan me kaq, në fakt jo. Sot Sara ka publikuar disa foto në Instagram dhe dikush i shkruan: “T’i kom dhon krejt!”
Ajo nuk ka ngurruar t’i komentojë “Ama prap m’le vetëm”.
Presim reagimin e Dafinës. a
Business adviser Peter Drucker once said, “You can not predict the future, but you can create it.” Many companies are committed to building the future, but few understand what they need to do to get teams to come up with new and innovative ideas over and over again.
In the last 25 years of my career I have discovered that enterprises, large and small, often struggle to create iterative strategies and processes that make them truly competitive. 50 years ago, a little-known children’s book introduced the SCAMPER model as a way to help teachers promote creativity in their classrooms. It’s a very simple and incredibly powerful tool to drive thought beyond “business as usual”.
Here’s how it works. SCAMPER is an acronym. SCAMPER means Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Another Use, Eliminate AND Reverse (Replace, Combine, Customize, Change, Use in another form, Eliminate, Return). This acronym is used to help people think differently from the masses. Each letter prompts people to answer a question related to the situation. Choose a letter or scroll through them.
SCAMPER can be used to develop new ideas, improve existing offerings or business processes, or create entirely new products and services. Once a set of ideas or concepts are born, the best ideas need to be selected and further refined, by sharing and testing them with colleagues and clients.