Rita Ora ka qenë në qendër të kritikave orët e fundit pasi performancës së saj me flamurin serb në trup.
Këngëtarja shqiptare performoi mbrëmjen e djeshme në Hungari në Festivalin e Rinisë në Szeged. Gjatë performancës, fansat i hodhën asaj një flamur serb, të cilin ajo e vendosi në krahë.
Siç edhe supozohej, bëhej fjalë për një ngatërresë dhe siç deklaroi vetë këngëtarja nuk e dinte cilit shtet i përkiste flamuri.
Fjalën e saj e ka thënë edhe nëna e Ritës, Vera Ora. Ajo ka treguar se e ka qortuar Ritën duke i bërtitur e më pas i ka kërkuar falje.
‘M’fal të kom bërtit shumë por më ke bo nervoz. Mos u trullo’, është shprehur Vera, duke dëshmuar edhe një herë që është nënë tipike shqiptare.
The German government will deal with the first aid package for flood victims. But it is still unclear what devastation the rain and flood have caused. The first details are dizzying. There are houses in the Ahr or Eiffel that are completely gone. They were taken away from the water. Little by little it is being seen how many of these houses have disappeared and how many still exist are being completely destroyed. And what the houses have inside. In a place called Ahrweiler, floodwaters swept away tables, chairs, cupboards floating in the streets, hotel equipment that ended up in the mud.
Hundreds of buildings have been demolished, says the district administrator in Ahrweiler. Not everyone has done home insurance. “A lot of people here have lost everything,” says Jürgen Pföhler. But what is the value of all this? Across the factory it is easy to extract values in figures.
In Bad Neuenahr in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate is located a factory of ZF vehicle supplier. It employs 280 people. Production has been suspended for months. The production and storage halls were flooded by the flood. The water in the factory reached the level of 2 meters, according to ZF. 12 cars and a camping truck were swept away by the water, the premises were destroyed, the floor was covered by a thick layer of clay.