Arbenita Ismajli mundohet të qëndrojë larg konflikteve dhe përplasjeve virtuale, por këtë herë ka reaguar ashpër pas disa komenteve dhe publikimeve të papërshtatshme.
Ajo ndau së fundmi një video në Instagram ku shihej në ashensor me një objekt në dorë, dhe kjo video është nxjerrë janë kontekstit me persona që kanë dashur të nxisin aludime mbi atë që ajo mban në dorë.
Videoja i ka rënë në sy modeles e cila komenton:
“Ma keni shpifur. Kurrë nuk keni për tu bërë burra shqiptarë. Turp. Si të jeni serbë. Jazëk qumështi i nënës. Nuk e di kush po ju edukon kështu. Edhe unë jam nënë, motër, tezja e dikujt. Turp more të mjerë vetëm për seks mendoni. Të degjeneruar.”
Më pas ajo e ka ndarë foton në Instagram duke shtuar: “Ndonjëherë më vjen turp që jam shqiptare dhe e pyes veten pse shumica e popujve të tjerë nuk na duan. Seriozisht nuk kam koment. Jam femra më e pavarur, shoh punët e mia, nuk i bëj keq askujt që marr kaq shumë urrejtje prej vëllezërve dhe motrave të mia shqiptare. Turp!”. a
Serial killer nurse Lucy Letby will never be released from prison after being sentenced to life for the “sadistic” murders of seven newborns.
Letby refused to leave her cell as the parents of the deceased newborns described the horrific impact of her crimes. One of the victim’s father, in tears, said the killing of his two sons had shattered his family, leaving him with suicidal thoughts and shattered trust in doctors.
Letby, 33, was convicted of killing seven infants and attempting to murder six others. Several surviving victims have been left with disabilities. One girl, now seven years old, is blind and diagnosed with tetraplegic cerebral palsy. She doesn’t speak and requires major spinal surgery. Her father described how she was born 15 weeks early, weighed 535g, and was given only a 5% chance of survival. He told the court, “God saved her,” but later, “the devil found her.”
During the 10-month trial, it was revealed that the nurse would attack the babies shortly after parents or other nurses had left.
She injected air into the lungs of seven infants to cause their death, attempted to kill two others with insulin, and tried to kill one by inserting a nasogastric tube into their throat. The motive behind the killings remains unclear and may never be known. A law firm representing the families of seven of Letby’s victims described her refusal to appear in court as a “final insult.”