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Kiara dhe Luizi kanë ngritur dyshimet së fundmi përmes një postimi në Instagram se mund të bëhen prindër për herë të parë.
Në një foto – ku shfaqet me Kiarën dhe një foshnjë – Luizi shkruan: “Sa shpejt kalojnë vitet…Më duket sikur kaluan vetëm 4 muaj nga Big Brother dhe ja ku jemi sot.”
Në vijim, ai shton: “Po bëj prova për Story që do bëjmë pas ca kohësh…” shoqëruar me një emoji që shkel syrin.
Gjatë një komunikimi në Instagram Live me ndjekësit e tij disa ditë më parë, Luizi u pyet nëse Kiara ishte shtatzënë. “Këtu nuk kemi test shtatzënie, por nuk ka shfaqur shenja, kështu të vjella e gjëra. Kiara nuk është shtatzënë,” tha ai.
Postimi i fundit lë vend për interpretime të ndryshme. Sidoqoftë, një fëmijë është në planet e çiftit.
New revelations continue to emerge about the espionage scandal with the software “Pegasus” of the Israeli company NSO Group. French President Emmanuel Macron, politicians and other senior diplomats are among the list of 50,000 phone numbers believed to have been identified as NSO clients of interest over the past five years, reports The Guardian. The Pegasus espionage scandal database that was uncovered this week includes the mobile phone numbers of Macron and 13 other heads of state and government, according to The Guardian.
South African President Cyril Ramafoza and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan also attended, the figures quoted, which included diplomats, military leaders and senior politicians from 34 countries. The Israeli company NSO Group, which produces the software “Pegasus”, has stated that its software is used exclusively for legal investigations, such as essentially monitoring and dismantling the networks of criminals or terrorists.
Appearing a number on the list that includes numbers chosen by the governments of NSO Group clients does not automatically mean that they have been the victim of espionage. The NSO insists the database “has nothing to do” with the company. The Israeli giant said Macron was not a “target” of any of its customers, meaning the company denies that it was chosen to oversee with its software. The company added that the fact that a number appears in the list is not at all indicative of whether this number was selected for tracking using “Pegasus” software.
However, the list is believed to be indicative of individuals identified as “targets” by the Israeli company’s customers. It includes people who were later targeted, according to an analysis of their phones. The Guardian and the collaborating media that brought to light the “Pegasus scandal” have identified governments believed to be responsible for selecting individual numbers in the data by carefully examining selection patterns.