Duket se lidhja e Adrola Dushit dhe Capital T po shkon duke u konfirmuar.
Modelja ka zbuluar se po shijon disa ditë pushimi në një vend të veçantë në Shqipëri dhe me të ka qenë edhe reperi, prania e këtij të fundit u vërejt në disa detaje.
Fillimisht fotot nga vendi i njëjtë e më pas një video e Adrolës në sfondin e së cilës dëgjohet zëri i Capital T.
The President of the Serbian Helsinki Committee, Sonja Biserko, has stated that the issue of de-addressed Albanians in the Presevo Valley is more of a political issue. In an interview for Euronews Albania, Biserko underlined that the issue is a hostage of Kosovo’s status, which for Belgrade is still unresolved. “All minorities live in a kind of isolation and the Albanian community is probably the most affected because Kosovo is still an open issue for Belgrade and directly related to the resolution of its status,” Biserko said.
According to the well-known human rights activist, the issue should be included in the Brussels-mediated dialogue and taken seriously. “I think that this issue should be included in the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue, because it is one of the unresolved problems and people live in a vacuum. “And since there will be no exchange of territories, or change of borders, their situation must be resolved in a way that guarantees their integration into Serbian society, Serbian institutions and Serbian culture,” said the president of the Serbian Helsinki Committee.
Biserko added that the international community must increase pressure on Belgrade in order to implement the signed agreements on the integration of minorities. “They should take this problem seriously and urge Serbia to implement the agreements reached between the two parties after 2000. In 2001, the year after which there were three agreements for the integration of the Albanian community in state and public institutions, this that did not happen. At first it seemed that this line would be followed, but unfortunately everything stopped and very few people are integrated in these institutions. Therefore, more needs to be done “, concluded Biserko.