“Big Brother VIP Kosova” është gati të rifillojë sërish dhe edicioni i dytë pritet të nisë në muajin tetor.
‘Telegrafi’ ka mësuar ekskluzivisht se data e fillimit është përcaktuar të jetë e hëna e 2 tetorit. Po të njëjtat burime gjithashtu kanë treguar se këtë vit do të futen plot 20 konkurrentë në shtëpinë më të famshme në vend.
Ndërsa dy emrat e parë që po negociohen për të qenë pjesë e spektaklit shumë të ndjekur janë gazetari Valon Syla dhe këngëtarja Arta Kabashi.
I pari njihet si gazetar dhe analist i çështjeve politike. Arta ndërkohë është një këngëtare e tregut muzikor shqiptar, motra e Ana Kabashit (konkurrente e edicionit të parë të Big Brother VIP Kosova).
Kujtojmë se fitues i edicionit të parë u shpall reperi Stresi i cili fitoi çmimin e madh prej 160 mijë eurosh, ndërsa finalistët ishin: Xhuli Nura, Vedat Bajrami, Artan Thaqi dhe Mbresa Hajrullahu.
A major decision is expected from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding a possible third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. But is it necessary? Where are the objections of a part of the scientific community? In the coming days, the Advisory Committee of the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will discuss the possibility of a third dose of the vaccine in immunocompromised patients. According to Francis S. Collins, MD, Ph.D., Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the third dose will not act as a booster, but as necessary to achieve immunity from full initial two-level vaccination satisfactory, writes the Greek media Ygeiamou.
The conference of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, or ACIP, will focus on 2-4% of American adults with weakened immune systems, including transplant patients, cancer patients, rheumatic disease patients, and leukemia patients. In favor of a third dose prescribed by Dr. Camille Kotton, Committee member and transplant specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, stated: “From my perspective as a physician on immunocompromised patients, including transplantation, which seems unlikely success satisfactory immune response from vaccination according to available research data, I consider reasonable an additional dose of vaccine for the team, a practice if nothing else is sure to boost immunity ”.
However, there is no contradiction from a group of scientists like Dr. Helen Bouche (Tufts Medical Center, Boston), who typically stated that there was no scientific evidence to show the need for a booster dose. In early July, the first information came out about Pfizer / BioNTech plan to apply for emergency approval for a third dose as an adjunct to their new coronavirus mRNA vaccine following concerns about the more contagious Delta variant, however it is not yet considered necessary by US health authorities.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has opposed the vaccine supplement, saying companies like Pfizer should prepare vaccines for billions of people in developing countries who have not yet received a single dose, instead of working on additional doses in rich countries. Population coverage is already high.