Prej fillimit të Kepit të VIP-ave, mes Mevlanit dhe Livias ka lindur një marrëdhënie e cila pritej nga të gjithë të finalizohej.
Në episodin e fundit, Mevlani dhe Livia kanë pranojnë lidhjen e tyre romantike e cila ka lindur gjatë xhirimeve të Kepit të Vipave.
Ata kanë shkëmbyer edhe një puthje në buzë.
Heavy rains have caused severe flooding in parts of central China, forcing people to flee their homes. More than 10,000 people in Henan province have been evacuated. Authorities there confirm that at least 12 people have died in Zhengzhou city since the floods began.
Many roads in major cities have been blocked, while flights have been canceled and railways have been closed. Henan Province, home to 94 million people, has issued the highest level of weather warning after an extremely active rainy season.
Many factors contribute to multiple floods, but the key according to experts is global warming.