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Italy is the winner of the biggest football competition in Europe, Euro2020, beating England inside Wembley. This so important event…
12.07.2021 – 07:42Eurozone currency, sold today with 122.7 lekë.US Dollars exchanged with 103.6 lekë.British Pound captures today the value of…
Diten e sotme, Ledri Vula ishte i ftuar ne emisionin radiofonik ” Pardon My French”, ku foli gjerë e gjate…
Persa i perket jetes se saj private, kengetarja Ronela Hajati eshte perpjekur t’a mbaje gjithnje “te fshehur” duke u perpjekur…
Bukuroshja e ekranit, Eva Murati, ka zbuluar se ka marrë oferta goxha tunduese nga projekte mjaft të rëndësishme në Itali.…
12.07.2021 – 08:55Elle magazine is best known for its beauty tips, fashion recommendations and recipe ideas, but the latest issue…
England took the lead after just 2 minutes of play with Luke Shaw. A fiery start from the home national…
Ish- futbollisti i njohur Wayne Rooney e ka pranuar se bëri një gabim, teksa pak ditë më parë në rrjete…
11.07.2021 – 21:44Indian scientists have recently been amazed by the great discovery made in Antarctica, where during six months of…