At least 11 people have lost their lives and several others were injured Sunday in India as a result of…
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EA introduced FIFA 22, a game that will come with the new “HyperMotion” system that offers more realistic animations on…
12.07.2021 – 10:48Report tv reveals Lulzim Basha’s 11 proposals for changing the statute of the Democratic Party. Basha proposes restructuring…
Në përpjekje për të përballuar motin tepër të nxehtë në Dubai, qeveria e Emirateve të Bashkuara Arabe ka krijuar shi…
Sipas burimeve, por edhe nga postimet e saj ne rrjete sociale, Era Istrefi eshte pare shpesh te udhetoje drejt Shqiperise.…
Pas 17 vitesh, spektakli i talenteve të reja “X Factor” do të ndërpresë transmetimin. Sipas mediave të huaja, Simon Cowell…
Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left his official residence in West Jerusalem this morning, a month after losing his…
Diten e djeshme, Gjykata Themelore e Prishtines vendosi per Fjolla Morina se do i duhet te qendroje ne paraburgim per…
12.07.2021 – 10:46Prime Minister Edi Rama started the week with photos from the reconstruction process of the Elbasan hospital.Rama through…
If you’ve been looking forward to a redesign of the iPad mini, you probably won’t be long in coming. Bloomberg…