Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Aleksandar Bocan Harchenko agreed on Monday to continue training Serbian…
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05.07.2021 – 16:16England during Euro 2020 set several records, where it stands out that has not conceded a goal in…
Eshte i cuditshem fakti i te paturit nje person qe ka fytyren tende, por qe ti as nuk e njeh…
Ish-konkurrentja e “Për’puthen”, Ana Kauri herë pas here ka lënë të kuptohej që ka nisur një lidhje dashurie pas daljes…
He is the most famous journalist, held in a Western prison: Julian Assange. Since April 2019 he is being held…
The Civil Aviation Authority has announced that some of the flights to Italy will be canceled the next day. The…
05.07.2021 – 14:10 The Vatican Church, in 1735, as a sign of gratitude donated the Holy Gospel to the Preçi…
Rozana Radi festoi ditën e djeshme ditëlindjen dhe për këtë datë të shënuar organizoi një festë me gjithë njerëzit e…
Reporters Without Borders has included Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in its annual list of “enemies of press freedom”. It…
Former Minister of Health in Kosovo, Armend Zemaj has announced that Denmark will donate 250 thousand doses of AstraZeneca…