Author: Lokimagazine

More than a month later, Caroline Crouch’s killers have not yet been found. Greek police are doing everything possible to catch the killers of the girl who drowned in the eyes of the 18-month-old baby but has encountered some problems. In an article of our, investigators have raised some questions, which only if answered will help clarify the event. POLICE QUESTIONS: How is it possible that the killers had prepared the scenario in detail so as not to be caught on camera, but forgot to take with them materials to connect the owners of the house? Why did they receive…

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Waxing is one of the issues that ‘worries’ women the most, but in modern times, not even men are left behind. Dr. Kim Drasa has chosen to explain for both genders, the benefits but also the ‘problems’ that pubic area waxing has. The pubis is the place in the human body, at the bottom of the abdomen, before the male and female urogenital organs begin. According to the doctor, women or men who wax this area, should be careful of the effects of hair removal with wax or razor. Below you can also find the advice given by the doctor.…

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Aleksandar Vucic said in a written statement that he would inform the Serbian Parliament about the details of the negotiations with Pristina. He said the only thing they had managed to talk about were requests to dig excavations in order to excavate mass graves. Vucic said the only response he received from Kurti was that Pristina would examine the terrain. On the other hand, he said that Belgrade is not protecting any criminals and that there are no problems with the excavations. Vucic’s statement: The only thing we managed to talk about at least a little bit were the requests…

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[ad_1] OnePlus dhe Oppo ka vendosur ta bëjnë zyrtare. Pasi bashkëpunuar ngushtë prej ca kohësh, kompanitë kanë vendosur të shkrihen bashkë me OnePlus që do të bëhet një filial i Oppo. Të dy brendet janë në pronësi të BBK Electronics, andaj lëvizja ka të bëjë më shumë me menaxhimin e resurseve dhe formalizimin e bashkëpunimit të tyre. Bashkëthemeluesit e OnePlus Pete Lau dhe Carl Pei kanë qenë punonjës së Oppo. Lau, i cili është CEO i OnePlus mori një rol të dytë drejtues në Oppo në Maj të 2020. Sipas Lau lëvizja do ti japë OnePlus akses në më shumë…

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AMD today launched a new variant of Radeon 6900 XT with liquid cooling. The extra cooling system means that the card can work at higher frequencies and as a result higher performance. The Radeon RX 6900 XT Liquid Edition has faster memory of 18Gbps instead of the 16Gbps found in the standard RX 6900 XT model. This edition has a single fan attached to the card through a tube to pass the coolant. AMD uses the same number of cores, 16GB of memory, 128MB Cache as the standard model. But it has higher frequency of 2250Mhz instead of 2015Mhz. Normally…

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The 27 ambassadors of the European Union agreed today that to remove travel restrictions for travelers from Albania, Serbia and Northern Macedonia. Thus, our country is included in the list of safe third countries for performing non-essential travel. After setting the date from which the decision will enter into force, Albanian citizens can travel to EU countries by submitting a negative test for Covid-19 made 72 hours after departure. Or they can present the document proving that they are vaccinated. At least 10 union countries are expected to recognize the Chinese and Russian vaccines soon. The issue of health is…

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Spotify today launched Greenroom, the response to Clubhouse for iOS and Android marking the first attempt at creating a social media platform. Very similar to the Clubhouse app, it gives users the ability to host live chats about sports, music and culture. Today’s launch encourages users to sign up and learn how to use the app. Some of its key functionalities will find their way into the main Spotify app. The app is focused only on sports content. Users can log in to the app using Spotify credentials even though it is not required. Almost every tech company seems focused…

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Like social networks, publishing houses do not seem to be opening the “door” to former US President Donald Trump. What the former White House chief describes as “the book of all books,” according to leading US publications, quoted by Politico will not be taken over by any of the major publishing houses, for fear that there may be inaccuracies. When Trump left the White House in January, the Washington Post wrote that he had filed 30,573 false allegations while in power. Former presidents traditionally publish memoirs when they step down, as happened with Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama. In January 2018,…

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Paulo Pogba has become the last player to remove a European Championship sponsor from the press conference table. A few days ago, Cristiano Ronaldo at the press conference removed Coca Colan, calling for more water to be drunk. This action of the Portuguese brought a loss of carbonated drink about four billion euros, due to the deterioration of the image. Now, Pogba was the one who removed the alcoholic beverage, Heineken beer from the conference table, then went on to say what he had to say. It is already known that for Muslims, the belief that the French midfielder belongs…

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[ad_1] Për ata që dëshirojnë të personalizojnë iPhone e tyre, jailbreaking ka qenë gjithmonë një mënyrë ekselente për ta bërë këtë. Por kundër këtij fenomeni nuk është vetëm Apple. Microsoft së fundi ka dërguar një përditësim në Windows Defender for Endpoint i cili do të lajmërojë përdoruesin nëse identifikon një iOS që ka kaluar nëpër jailbreak dhe është në rrjetin e kompanisë ku ai punon. Windows Defender for Endpoint është një softuer i sigurie i dizajnuar për bizneset dhe që identifikon çdo kërcënim në nivel kompanie. Nëse punoni një një biznes që përdor Windows Defender for Endpoint, mbase duhet të…

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