Author: Lokimagazine

Serena Sula is one of the most commented characters recently from the pink portal. As you all know, the model is in a relationship with the former competitor of “Përputhen”, Arjon Luli. Their “deeds” a little abnormal for the Albanian mentality do not pass without comment from the public. After the song dedicated to “Twerk”, Serena has decided to make a pornographic film together with her partner. In an interview for “Ora Verore”, she confessed that this is something unusual for Albania because no one has done it. Asked what her parents think, Serena says they are “stressed”. “Nobody did…

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Romania’s Chief National Prosecutor Against Corruption (DNA), Crin Bologa, told a conference with Justice Minister Etilda Gjonaj and EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca that two prime ministers, 80 deputies and dozens of mayors had appeared in court. According to him, the independence and specialization of prosecutors seems to be successful in the fight against corruption. “We have sent to court two prime ministers, 80 deputies and dozens of mayors. To be successful in the fight against corruption are the independence and specialization of prosecutors “, said Bologa.

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Futbollisti danez Christian Eriksen nuk ka gjasa të luajë përsëri në mënyrë profesionale pasi pësoi atë që u raportua të ishte një arrest kardiak, sipas një kardiologu sportiv. Mesfushori u rrëzua në fushë gjatë ndeshjes së vendit të tij në Euro 2020 kundër Finlandës dhe duhej të “ringjallej” para se të dërgohej në spital. Pas ngjarjes, u tha se Eriksen, 29 vjeç, ishte në gjendje të qëndrueshme, por ende nuk është konfirmuar publikisht se çfarë qëndronte pas sëmundjes së tij. Sanjay Sharma është profesor i kardiologjisë sportive në universitetin St. George në Londër dhe ka punuar me Eriksen gjatë kohës…

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This morning, Prime Minister Edi Rama held a virtual meeting with his Northern Macedonian counterpart Zoran Zaev and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. This meeting took place in the framework of the preparations for the Economic Forum for Regional Cooperation, which will be held on July 29 in Skopje. The news was announced by the Macedonian Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, who also published a photo from the meeting through his social network Facebook. “This is a new, European Balkans.” he writes. The Economic Forum for Regional Cooperation, in which the countries of the region will participate, is being organized in the…

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Shqetësimi për një variant të ri të koronavirusit është në rritje. I fundit është versioni më i mutuar i zbuluar deri më tani – dhe ka një listë kaq të gjatë mutacionesh, saqë u përshkrua nga një shkencëtar si “i tmerrshëm”. Ndërsa një tjetër tha se ishte varianti më i keq që ata kishin parë. Janë ende ditët e para dhe rastet e konfirmuara janë akoma të përqendruara kryesisht në një provincë në Afrikën e Jugut, por ka të dhëna se mund të jetë përhapur më tej. Menjëherë ka pyetje rreth asaj se sa shpejt përhapet varianti i ri, aftësia…

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Well-known actor Mevlan Shanaj has reacted after the news of the death of the great director and actor Pirro Mani. Shanaj said that the departure of Pirro Mani will leave a big gap, especially in the Albanian theater, but his works have made him considered as a legend, pride and glory of Albanian art. “The highest peak of Albanian art. A director of extraordinary proportions. It is an irreversible escape of a greatness. Pirro Mani was a glory, in the best sense he was the highest peak of Albanian art in the theater. Since he came to the Korça theater…

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Former President Bamir Topi said last night on the show ‘Quo Vadis’ that the biggest traitor of the Democrats is Berisha himself. This is because according to him, Berisha is the one who keeps the other people in the DP under control. “Ordinary people are very idealistic. People fail to realize that they are surrounded. In the first place, the first betrayal was committed by the political leadership. The Democrats had the biggest betrayal from Sali Berisha. “All of Berisha’s connections with Basha and other people are issues that belong to Berisha to keep the PD under control.” Topi stated,…

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Lidhjes suaj i duhet kohë para se të kalojë testimin e “shpirtit binjak”, por kjo s’do të thotë të mos tregoheni vigjilentë tek shenjat që ju jepen rrugës. Për ta kuptuar që jeni në drejtimin e duhur dhe se personi krah jush është i duhuri, analizoni gjithë sinjalet më poshtë. Nëse shumica prej tyre ju duhet familjare, urime! 1. Ju kënaqeni me njëri-tjetrin edhe kur s’bëni asnjë lloj plani. Edhe nëse ngecni në trafik për orë të tëra, s’është problem. Mjafton që jeni bashkë. 2. Jeni të vërtetë përballë tij/saj. 3. Bisedat ju vijnë në mënyrë shumë natyrale. S’keni pse…

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Apple has announced the latest updates to the FaceTime app, making it compatible with Android and Windows devices and adding the ability to call more people. The updates were illustrated at the World Developers Conference opened by CEO Tim Cook, putting Apple in a more direct competition with companies like Zoom, which grew significantly during the pandemic. The company has also added other features, such as audio enhancements and background blur, which according to Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of software, will allow video calling to capture the nuances of a conversation in person. With the next software update…

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’33 -the year-old pretended to be a victim and tried in every way to disturb the waters and mislead the investigation’- so expressed Greek moderator Angeliki Nikolouli for Babis Anagnostopolus. The journalist during the show revealed the conversations she had with Babis Anagnostopoulos who confessed to killing Caroline. Nikolouli maintained direct contact with the pilot during all these 37 days from the murder of the 20-year-old, but the pilot avoided meeting him. The 33-year-old pretended to be a victim and tried in every way to disturb the waters and disorient the investigation, according to what was heard on the show.…

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