07.06.2021 – 16:28
In some countries, immunization with anti-COVID vaccines has started for adolescents aged 12-15 years, while something similar is being thought to be done in Albania.
According to the head of Infectious Pediatrics, Gjerogjina Kuli, the vaccination of adolescents has been put forward as a hypothesis after the Pfizer vaccine was released for 12-15 year olds, but no decision has been made yet.
“It has been hypothesized that after Pfizer came out for ages 12 to 15, China has published a study on the use of Sinovac over 3 years old. “We are reviewing it, we have not made any decision and we will see what will be the practices and indications of different vaccines in lowering the threshold of this age group”, said the doctor for TV Klan.
Kuli said that vaccination of adolescents is not necessary at the moment, as the number of new daily infections is very low.