24.07.2021 – 07:38
Although the dishwasher, iron or washing machine are the ones that consume the most energy in our home, it may seem that leaving the mobile charger 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, does not mean any significant energy or financial expense. But we need to think further.
There are many everyday things that we often leave closed and can absorb energy of which we are not even aware, one of them is the mobile charger.
One of the biggest culprits of energy consumption is related to what is called “vampire energy”, where electrical appliances are still plugged into a wall or outlet all the time, even though they are not in use. Mobile chargers are the biggest perpetrators of this “crime” and can cost us our money for life. It is not a small amount, if we look at the long term plan and if we think about the millions of chargers that consume energy in every home on the planet.
Other devices responsible for draining our money when they are out of use include laptops, tablets and bedside lamps, as they continue to supply power even when the battery is fully charged.
As an example, the consumption of a connected charger without charging per year is: 1,168 kWh. Y the cost of a connected charger without charging per year is several tens of euros.
If we add that all the people who use cell phones leave the charger connected without being charged all day, every day of the year, we are talking about a very significant loss of power; We can even say that this energy can serve to satisfy the energy needs of an entire country. Therefore from this moment we must be careful!