04.07.2021 – 22:06
A major explosion has been reported near an oil rig off the coast of Azerbaijan, but there are conflicting reports as to what may have been the cause. Some officials blamed a possible mud volcano.
The apocalyptic eruption has also been seen from Azerbaijan, where the sky has turned all red.
So far it is suspected that there was an explosion of a “Tanker”, or as it is otherwise known as a tanker.
A recent reaction has also come from the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, known as SOCAR. According to them there is no explosion related to their research and machinery in the Caspian Sea.
“There have been no accidents on offshore platforms and industrial facilities under the direct control of SOCAR, work continues in normal mode. “Our initial suspicion of an eruption at sea is the eruption of a volcano.” stated SOCAR.
* Umid oil rig. The rig is safe (as video filmed from it), explosion and fire is in the sea near by pic.twitter.com/MUSjcy8WWZ
– Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) July 4, 2021