15.07.2021 – 16:19
The chairman of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, mandated for the next 4 years at the head of the blue headquarters, has submitted 11 proposals for intervention in the Statute of the Democratic Party.
The proposals of the head of the blue headquarters have a regulatory nature of the current statute. Thus, the leader of the Democratic Party thinks that the same method he followed in 2020 with the selection of candidates for MPs to apply for the selection of candidates for mayor. According to the changes that are expected to occur, the candidacies for the local government elections are selected in cooperation and active consultation with DPA members.
After consulting the membership, the candidacies for local government executive bodies are proposed by the party chairman, appointed by the DPA leadership and the full list is approved by the National Council. Branch presidencies decide on the candidacies of councilors in local units. The DPA leadership should be informed of every step of the candidate approval process and has the right to intervene whenever it deems necessary.
Exceptionally for the municipalities that are the center of the region, the list of councilors is proposed by the branch presidency and approved by the party chairman. “Candidates for local government elections are selected in cooperation and active consultation with DPA members. After consulting the membership, the candidacies for local government executive bodies are proposed by the party chairman, appointed by the DPA leadership and the full list is approved by the National Council. Branch presidencies decide on the candidacies of councilors in local units.
The DPA leadership should be informed of every step of the candidate approval process and has the right to intervene whenever it deems necessary. Exceptionally for the municipalities in the center of the region, the list of councilors is proposed by the presidency of the branch and approved by the chairman of the party “, it is stated in point 3 of article 12 of the statute of the Democratic Party.
Also, the leader of the Democrats, Basha, intends to sanction the composition of its presidency in the functional internal law of the Democratic Party. According to Basha, in addition to the 15 members of the presidency, who are elected by the National Council, to be the secretaries, the party spokesman or even the vice-presidents. What the Democrat leader wants to introduce recently is the chairman of the Financial Board, the Election Commission and the Appeals, Integrity and Ethics Commission. “The DPA leadership monitors and ensures the implementation of decisions taken by the Assembly and the National Council.
The Presidency decides on all matters that are not an exclusive right under this statute of the National Assembly and the National Council, as well as approves political agreements. The DPA presidency is chaired by the party chairman and also includes: the General Secretary, party vice-chairmen, functional secretaries, the chairman of the National Council, the chairmen of partner organizations, the chairman of the Financial Board, the Election Commission and the Appeals Commission. Integrity and Ethics “, it is said in article 45 of the PD statute proposed by Basha.
Another proposal of the leader of the Democrats, Basha, is to assign an earlier mandate to the political leaders in the regions and for them to be the leaders of a coordinating council of the region. “The Regional Coordination Council has been added as a local structure of the party, which is headed by the political leader of the region, who is appointed by the chairman of the Party. “This will be a permanent structure with responsibilities in the electoral organization and actions of the political activity of the DPA at the regional level”, it is said in the explanation of the leader of the Democrats. Meanwhile, the National Council will have more commitment according to the leader of the Democrats Basha. Depending on the formation of the members of the National Council, they will be engaged in the departments of the DP structures and will be responsible for drafting electoral platforms or strategies.
THE PLACE WHERE THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF PD will be convened is revealed
The meeting of the National Assembly of the Democratic Party will take place on Saturday, at 10:30, in the premises of the Palace of Congresses in Tirana. The details are announced by the organizational secretariat of the Democratic Party, which in a message addressed to the membership, asks them to be present and to be provided with an identity card. Honorable member of the National Assembly of the Democratic Party, we inform you that the meeting of the Assembly will take place on Saturday, July 17, 2021, at 10:30, in the premises of the Palace of Congresses in Tirana. Please be present and have your ID card with you. “The organizational secretariat of the Party”, it is said in the message distributed yesterday.
Former candidate for chairwoman of the Democratic Party, Edit Harxhi, reacted yesterday after the Statute Commission in the Democratic Party approved the proposals of the chairman, Lulzim Basha, rejecting the other proposals. Addressing the members of this Commission, Harxhi writes that they are as much complicit in the destruction of the Democratic Party as Lulzim Basha. According to her, the Democratic Party does not falter from the statute, but from the non-implementation of the rules. Harxhi stands by her opinion that Lulzim Basha should have left after 4 losses in a row. “I tell you that you are as much complicit as Lulzim Basha for the destruction of the Democratic Party.
You could have chosen not to make statutory changes, because the DP does not falter from the statute and rules, but from their non-implementation, avoidance of responsibilities and avoidance of the basic principles on which it is based. How can you accept a losing president after four serial losses, when he left the opposition and the country without opposition and outside all central and local governments, because he thought that this way he could negotiate more freely with the caretaker Prime Minister and his profits? “Political responsibility can not have a statutory provision, as it depends on morality in politics, but in the absence of the latter, the entire political organization can not be destroyed”, writes Harxhi.
Former DP presidential candidate Fatbardh Kadilli reacted after the Commission for Statutory Changes rejected his proposals yesterday in the meeting that lasted more than two hours. Through a post on social networks, Kadilli wrote that the Commission passed the competencies and that it has a duty to give an opinion and not to reject the proposals. Kadilli explains that the proposals, which, as he says, stem from the political manifesto for the re-establishment of the Democratic Party, he presented for public opinion. Fatbardh Kadilli says that the decision taken yesterday proves the continuity of not reflecting on the need, which according to him, the DP has to change deeply in order to respond to the challenges facing the opposition.
“The Commission for Statutory Changes in the Democratic Party today has acted in excess of its competencies and mission. The statute clearly stipulates that only the Presidency and 1/4 of the National Council have the right to propose statutory changes. The Commission gives its opinion. My proposals, stemming from the political manifesto for the re-establishment of the DP, I submitted to the Commission for an opinion, based on the authorization of the last meeting of the Presidency. The commission was not satisfied with giving its opinion and opinion, but decided to reject the proposals. “This decision of the majority of the members of the Commission today clearly proves the continuity of non-reflection”, wrote Kadilli.