The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MEST), Arbërie Nagavci, said that they are working for the recognition of diplomas of students from the Presevo Valley, adding that they will not neglect this issue.
Nagavci, said that they are treating with priority the recognition of diplomas for all students who have completed their studies abroad.
“Yes, the recognition of diplomas is a process which is managed by the Ministry of Education and this is not only for the students of the Valley but here for us also for other students who have completed their studies in different countries of the world or even those who in it in the past they have had some difficulties. These are long-standing problems which we are treating with priority, I believe we will work hard to find a solution so that for all those issues and students do not suffer that through no fault of their own they have come to a situation where due to negligence “, the negligence or even the intentional failure of the persons who had responsibilities, the students already suffer the consequences”, she said.
Further, Nagavci also spoke about the additional teaching that is being held in schools to compensate for learning disabilities. She said it has been a challenge, as it has been a new experience for teachers.
“Yes, it can be, but in addition to being a challenge, it is more of a commitment for teachers, and there are many schools where even many teachers have held additional classes for students who have had learning difficulties, as well as for the rest, so it has been a new experience for teachers, but on the other hand what I agree with is that it has been the placement of students in different classrooms that has brought the need for more care and that should be better managed in the future ”.
Minister Nagavci said that it will take a long time to compensate the damage caused by the pandemic in education.
“Yes, it has been quite challenging, it is not that accurate and complete research has been done, but that the pandemic has brought many consequences and we will need a long time to make up for the damage caused by the pandemic,” she added. .
Further, she said that they are working hard to compensate for the losses from the pandemic and to improve the situation in education.
“Yes, accepting my duty has been in a bad situation, where in addition to the challenges that education faces over the years and decades, we have already started working with the time when we are facing the conditions of the pandemic, so we have tried as much as possible. “We can also compensate for the losses caused by the pandemic and ensure the health of students and teachers so that we do not lack results in teaching and learning,” Nagavci told Ekonomia Online.