If there is one sublime fruit that never goes out of fashion, it is definitely lemon. But the health values that lemon offers have nothing to do with fashion. This citrus is an important ally of the human body due to its rich treasure in vitamins and minerals.
One of the healthiest ways to get these benefits is to drink lemon juice by dissolving it in water. If this juice is drunk on an empty stomach, the person is more hydrated, has a tendency to lose excess pounds, has a better digestion and a more functional liver.
When Not to Drink Lemon Juice?
Asked about the possible negative effects of lemon juice, experts explain that the side effects of lemon are not major. However, there are some cases when people should not drink lemon juice. These are cases of heartburn. When a person suffers from heartburn, he should not drink lemon juice due to the high acidity of this citrus.
Does Lemon Juice Damage Bones?
The research findings on this issue are somewhat contradictory. Some of them say that lemon juice can damage the bones and some others explain that this juice is effective for arthritis. Studies explain that there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that lemon juice is harmful to bones. This is because it is very rich in vitamin C which fights inflammation.
How To Consume Lemon Juice For Kidneys And Liver
Experts say that lemon juice should be combined with honey to strengthen liver and kidney functions. These two organs need ascorbic acid, or as it is otherwise known vitamin C, which the body loses every day through urine. The organs’ needs for this acid or vitamin are met by lemon which is also rich in antioxidants. This vitamin is essential for hair, heart and all health.