The Minister of Internal Affairs of Serbia, Aleksandër Vulin said last night that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti will do everything to stop the talks between Kosovo and Serbia and that he will blame Serbia for this.
“When negotiations began in Brussels in 2012, they did everything to put Serbs at the negotiating table because they thought recognition was a done deal. Now, in 2021, they are running away from the negotiating table because they saw that negotiations do not lead to recognition as they had hoped“, Said Vulin on TV Pink.
Vulin said that Kurti has no positive intentions towards the dialogue but that he demands that there be no Serbs in Kosovo.
“Ai will do everything I can to end the talks. He will also talk about the Serb genocide“, Said Vulin.
Vulin’s statement comes 24 hours after the second meeting between Kurti and Vuçi., Where Kurti went to Brussels with a concrete proposal to sign a declaration of peace between Kosovo and Serbia.