21.07.2021 – 15:58
In the first 6 months of 2021, the Institute of Statistics reports an increase in road accidents. According to INSTAT in the first 6 months accidents increased by 32.9%. The Institute of Statistics has explained that this increase is also related to the restrictive measures of the previous year which may have affected the reflection of a higher figure this year when there was no quarantine and restrictive measures.
During the month of June, 161 accidents were registered on the roads of the country from 143 that was in the same month of the previous year, but during this month 15 people died in accidents out of 16 people who died in June 2020.
Data from the Institute of Statistics show that in the first half of 2021, the number of injured is 875 people out of 656 people in the first half of 2020, while the number of deaths in road accidents as 6 months is 105 people out of 74 people. who passed away in the same period a year ago.
Only in June, according to INSTAT, most accidents occurred due to the behavior of drivers and the group with the most accidents is that of 25-34 years old.