12.06.2021 – 20:44
Good news for Christian Eriksen’s health. Market expert Fabrizio Romano has calmed football fans with a status on “Twitter” writing about the current state of Kristian Eriksen.
Romano has revealed part of the interview of Eriksen’s agent, Martin Skots, who has communicated directly with the footballer’s father.
“Eriksen is breathing and he can talk, he is awake,” wrote the market expert, reassuring football fans and not only.
“Christian Eriksen is out of danger, his father told me from the hospital. He’s able to speak ”. Martin Schoots, Eriksen agent, just added to NOS. #prayforEriksen
Official: Eriksen conditions are stable and the match restarts at 20.30 CET.
– Fabrizio Romano (@FabrizioRomano) June 12, 2021
The Inter midfielder suffered a heart attack in the Denmark-Finland match, leading to the interruption of the challenge for many minutes. The match resumed at 20:30 where it was interrupted.