12.07.2021 – 15:29
Well-known doctor, Ilir Alimehmeti, writes on “Facebook” that there is good news regarding immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants, referring to the latest study by WHO epidemiologists.
In this regard, the doctor points out that whoever has passed the coronavirus or has been vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna, has developed immunity to Covid-19 variants, despite the fact that in their body there are no protective antibodies.
Doctor’s post:
“Act fast, without remorse… If you always need to be right to act, you will never win!”
Cit .: Dr. Mike Ryan (Epidemiologist – WHO)
Good news my friends on immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants my friends!
❗ The noise over the ability of the variants to overcome the effect of natural immunity and that provided by vaccines, until now was just that: noise!
Indeed they were more transmissible and whoever was not naturally or passively immunized should have been wary of them, but in no literature basis was the risk of overcoming immunity observed, other than a decrease in the number of antibodies which is only one of the elements of immunity .
This is confirmed again (because studies are already being done to prove what is already known) prestigious institute La Jolla Institute for Immunology (USA), who published their study in Cell
Reports Medicine on July 1, 2021, after testing the ability of the cellular immune response against:
Wuhan-1 (original virus),
B.1.1.7 or the alpha / British variant,
B.1.351 or the beta / south african variant,
P.1 or gamma / brazilian variant, and
CAL.20C or epsilon / californian variant.
In particular, 4 different groups of individuals were studied:
a control group of persons not exposed to COVID-19 (blood taken before the pandemic),
a group that has naturally passed COVID-19,
a group vaccinated with Pfizer, and
a group vaccinated with Moderna.
Kryesore Main findings:
T T cells (lymphocytes) of exposed or vaccinated persons effectively recognize SARS-CoV-2 variants
Ike Spike proteins and other proteins are effectively identified (in AIM and FluoroSPOT analyzes).
✅ 93% and 97% of CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte epitopes are 100% conserved in all variants.
Dyt Secondary findings:
. No statistical differences are observed between persons who have naturally passed COVID-19 and persons vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna. (Figure S1)
In the press releases, the authors of the study state:
⚕ Prof. Alessandro Sette:
. “This study suggests that the impact of disturbance variant (VOC) mutations is limited.
. “We think T cells will continue to be a line of defense against infection by variants.”
⚕ PhD Alba Grifoni:
Këto “These are still variants of concern, but our study shows that although there is a decrease in antibodies, as other studies show, T lymphocytes remain almost unaffected.”
“Vaccines continue to work.”
La The team of La Jolla Institute has announced that it has expanded the panel for variant B.1.617.2 (delta / Indian) and we will read the findings as soon as they are made public.
So, my friends, very good news for anyone who has passed the infection from any variant or has been vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna, because as the first author, the applicant Alison Tarke, says:
. “This study conveys an optimistic message. At the very least, as long as the cellular immune response (T lymphocytes) continues, your immune system is still able to recognize these new variants and T lymphocytes will be able to respond to them.
Dr. Shk. Ilir Alimehmeti
Epidemiologist Clinic
Faculty of Medicine, UMT
Albanian Academy of Sciences