The case of 23-year-old Evgjeni Baxho, who lost her life in mysterious circumstances in Tirana, has been circulating in the media for days. It was initially reported that the young woman died after a tooth infection, but then frightening details were published. On the lifeless body of the girl were drawn some symbols in red like blue, which have been explained to carry meanings.
Invited to “Morning ABC”, Pranvera Xhafa, connoisseur of esotericism and occultism has cast some new doubts on what these symbols may explain.
She said that the symbol is placed on the back because that is where the main muscle of the body is located.
According to Xhafa, this is a satanic demonic symbol, either by color or by the way they are placed, as the color blue indicates the devil and Lucifer who is the son of the devil.
“Things we think are secret exist,” he said. This has made me start learning how for example a flower has a meaning. That is, from darkness to light, it is hidden and you have to bring it out.
Thinking that the body is a big secret and even seeing the symbols placed on the girl who had that weird death. The symbol placed from the back there is located the main muscle of the body that directly affects.
This is a satanic demonic symbol, either by color or by the way they are placed. The color blue indicates the devil and the lucifer who is the son of the devil.
Further, she stated that it is also likely that the girl has undergone a ritual, which allows diseases to appear.
According to Xhafaj, if you connect it with the old pagan runa alphabet, it turns out that the symbols show that Baxho had a relationship with a woman, but was not consolidated.
“If you put a demonic symbol on your body, your energy automatically diminishes. Which means there are demons or angels, but not many people want to accept them. To see you you have to contact.
It is likely that the girl underwent a ritual. Form determines the lifestyle, if matter is destroyed the soul escapes. If you constantly subdue and oppress your soul it will appear in sickness.
It was said that he had a tooth infection and that he had other diseases that he could not cope with.
If we take it primary, runes is an old alphabet depicting pagan rituals unrelated to Satanism. If you look at it all, you realize that you see the love of another woman, that is, between two women, but the fact that it is not closed at the end shows that the relationship has not been consolidated.
It depends on who was the person who did it, what psychopathy it may be, that it may not be what we say at all, he just saw them on the internet and did it.