The UK could become the first country in the world to declare a “war” on obesity by taxing sugar and salt!
The recommendation to impose a tax of $ 3 per kilogram of sugar and $ 6 per kilogram of salt comes from a commission appointed by Boris Johnson’s government as part of a “fight” against obesity and discouraging the consumption of unhealthy foods.
“Fat pandemic it is not just a matter of the UK, but a scourge from which all societies and over 2.1 billion people or 30% of the world population suffer. Even for our small Albania, the obesity figures are alarming!
For 2021, out of about 3 million Albanians, 21.70% of them over 18 years old suffer from obesity due to malnutrition.
These are indications that the UK recommendation to impose a tax on sugar and salt is an initiative to be applauded and can be taken as an example by all governments, including the Albanian one, as obesity due to malnutrition it is a great danger, threatening not only adults but also young children.
According to the report, this also comes as an incentive to change the philosophy of manufacturers, in order to reformulate product recipes and reduce the salt and sugar content in “snacks”, as happened with carbonated beverages after the introduction of the tax. sugar in 2018.
Prime Minister Johnosn has an obstacle to move forward as his initiative runs counter to the interests of British and world industry giants.