Arbenita dhe Fero nuk u ndanë aspak mirë nga njëri-tjetri dhe çështja tashmë i ka kaluar gjykatës.
Njoftimi i policisë së Kosovës tregonte se reperi e kishte dhunuar partneren e tij, madje e kishte kërcënuar me jetë nëse ajo do t’i merrte vajzën.
Arbenita u largua së bashku me të bijën, Ninën, nga shtëpia ku ata bashkëjetonin dhe gjendja e saj duket e qetë pas ndarjes.
Nëpërmjet një postimi në Instagram, ajo ka ndarë një thumb për ish-partnerin, me një sound viral në TikTok.
“Çmenduri sa paqësore bëhet jeta, kur vendos që s’ke energji për të vazhduar të debatosh me gjithkënd dhe je ‘ok’ me të qenit e keqkuptuar. Sepse njerëzit kuptojnë vetëm nga niveli i tyre i perceptimit dhe asnjë debat s’ia vlen të dëmtosh shëndetin tënd mendor.
Journalist Artan Hoxha said tonight on ABC that with the reopening of the file, he expects former Prime Minister Sali Berisha to go to court as a witness for January 21 and that the executors be minimally punished.
The justice for January 21 is that the responsible persons, the “crime workers”, those who commit the murder, should be punished. If you point the gun at a citizen you know the consequence of the gun, you are not an amateur, but the best professional.
Minimally crime workers and executors go where they belong. They are not unintentional murders.
He was not painting the machine gun and the weapon fell out of his hand. But when I get the mark line, this is not unintentional murder.
The offense must be re-qualified and others must have an exhaustive investigation to go to the “brigadiers” who control the workers. Just take it to a prosecutor today with this opportunity to read it and once the file is full of new evidence.
I hope so; Berisha is a man who has never gone to court, for September 14 he was called 56 times and never went and the police never executed the arrest warrant.