By Enver Robelli
This is the news and what should happen next…
“Radar, 2 Kosovars from Switzerland with a speed of 225 km / h towards Vlora”.
There is only one solution to discipline these idiots and criminals: to have your license confiscated, your cars confiscated and destroyed, and – a special gift – one year in prison, minimum.
If these idiots committed this crime in Switzerland, the car would be considered a weapon and consequently confiscated and destroyed.
APPEAL to the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Albania: Act like the Swiss authorities!
An idiot driving 225 km / h is a criminal and the car is a weapon!
Idiots do not understand, so they should be hit hard.
Because: they are idiots! And criminals!
There are dozens of cases in Switzerland where Albanian idiots have taken the lives of children by “flying” like this with cars!
It is likely that these idiots will escape unscathed in Albania.
Because some Kosovars not only in Kosovo, but also in Albania behave like kapadainj, because they think that their madness is guaranteed by law.