Another unofficial document on the future of the Western Balkans was submitted to the European Union today.
The authors of this draft are Austria and the Visegrad Group countries, but unlike previous proposals which called for changing the region’s borders and resolving outstanding issues, this document supports the region’s faster and greater integration into the EU.
“Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but also Austria, send a new message to the leadership of the European Union, asking for economic and political support for the entire region,” Serbian media wrote today.
In a joint proposal, the foreign ministers of the five EU member states are urging the countries and citizens of the Western Balkans to be included in formal talks on the future of the European Union.
The ministers believe that the countries of this region should have the right and opportunity to express their views on the future of the European Union, given that the Balkan countries have a very clear perspective of membership in the union.
Five EU member states are calling for the Western Balkans to be part of the Conference on the Future of the EU. The letter has reached the main offices of European leaders, including the European Commission and Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelji.
Hungarian MP Andor Deli confirmed the existence of this document, emphasizing that the whole initiative makes clear how important the membership of the Western Balkans is for Hungary.
“Personally, I think it would be extremely important to include the region in the Conference on the Future of Europe and that it would be an extremely good message for the citizens of the region, because just like the citizens of the EU member states, they could express their opinion and be actively involved in creating the direction of development for the future of the EU “, said Deli.