To strengthen cooperation between stakeholders within Albania and to increase the visibility of the ecosystem of Albanian startups, for entrepreneurs and investors worldwide, EU for Innovation has supported the development of the online portal, which will represent the ecosystem of startups in Albania, comprehensibly for the entire external territory and will lead to further cooperation between stakeholders.
AlbaniaTech is the first Albanian platform of the ecosystem of startups and innovation, which includes its actors and their services, as well as the place where success stories are shared and a clear overview of active Albanian startups is provided.
The purpose of the platform is to serve as a virtual space which brings together the Albanian startup community, constantly strengthening the capacity for innovation among ecosystem actors and creating relationships between the innovation ecosystem locally and internationally.
The first version of Albaniatech includes:
- Overview of the AlbaniaTech ecosystem (Ecosystem Overview)
- Information on Tech Hubs such as Tirana, Korça and Shkodra.
- Discover Albania: information on employment, living, starting a business and investing in Albania.
- Showcases – success stories of Albanian companies and organizations, founders, diaspora and collaborations in the Balkans.
- The latest news and events that take place in the Albanian innovation ecosystem.
- Access to the employment portal, in cooperation with
In addition to the virtual site, the portal is equipped with online presence on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and Twitter as well as virtual promotional campaigns. AlbaniaTech portal is the source
main of all information on the ecosystem of Albania. It was developed based on the recommendations of StartupAmsterdam and best practices from TechUkraine, with the support of EU for Innovation, a project implemented by the German development agency GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit.
Version 1.0 of the portal is available at the link All interested participants of the Albanian ecosystem are welcome to send information which is missing on the site. Please contact the AlbaniaTech team through: [email protected] or fill out the contact form on the page
The EU for Innovation project is co-founded by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Swedish Embassy in Tirana. / PCWorld Albanian