Women are more interested in working in public administration. Interest in being close to the administration has historically been observed in the general labor market by both genders, and in some cases has even been criticized by the government itself as a trend. This is more due to the fact that working in the administration is seen as safer, with a more stable income and without delays, as well as with fixed schedules and weekend breaks, as opposed to working in the private sector, which does not always enjoy the benefits of this. nature in a good portion of the positions.
Precisely these reasons seem to orient women to have more interest in working in the administration, seeing it as an easier way to manage the other side related to the family.
Official data show that of the applications made to fill vacancies in public administration, at least 64% were made by women versus 36% by men.
Interest in working in the administration reached a record in 2020, according to official data, when there were on average about 24 applications for a position. Based on 29497 applications in total, for 1237 announced positions, an indicator which has increased compared to previous years.
Due to the pandemic situation, recruitments in 2020 were also made online. DoPA reported that in terms of positions, about 76% of positions belong to the executive level, ie the basic level of positions in the civil service and from where, with normal procedure, enter all new employees who join the administration. Meanwhile, about 17% of the positions included in the annual recruitment plan belong to the lower management category, about 6.7% to the middle management category and 0.3% to the Senior Management Body.
In 2020, according to INSTAT, 1 131 295 persons were employed by sectors in the labor market. Of these budgets, at least 175,443 are submitted.
The same data show that in 2020 in the labor market are registered as unemployed jobseekers over 43.6 thousand women, while men over 39.2 thousand.