Abhigya Anand became quite popular online after accurately predicting the Covid 19 pandemic.
The 14-year-old described in a rather bold way how a great catastrophe would affect humanity, after which he disappeared for several months.
When he came back online, he posted a video of what 2021 will be like and what solutions we will have to overcome difficult situations. According to the Indian teenager, the big problems caused by the alignment of the planets and the connections between them, will be solved slowly.
By November of this year, as he predicts, the stalemate brought about by the celestial collisions will gradually disappear.
He advises people 6 ways to get out of the crisis, starting from belief in God, to the importance of strengthening the body’s immunity. For this purpose, he says that you should be exposed as much as possible to sunlight and fresh air, get away from modern technologies and do physical exercises.
It is important, says Anand, to disseminate positive energy, while there are some practical tips such as the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, strongly emphasizes the integration in nature as well as mental health care.