High temperatures, restrictions release, relaxing atmosphere in Germany. COVID-19 figures are falling sharply. There are no more 5000 patients in the intensive care units, but a little more than 1000.
The value of the virus indicator has dropped close to 10. Masses have been released throughout Germany. Shopping can be done without tests, you can also drink a coffee outside the bar, in some regions even dance clubs have been opened. Public Viewing at the European Football Championship is allowed.
But the pandemic is not over.
Fear of delta mutation
The Robert Koch Institute, RKI, the German national health authority, in its annual report on the spread of the virus mutants states that the delta variant of the virus, previously discovered in India, is spreading to Germany. According to experts, it is considered more contagious than other variants. In the UK the numbers of infections are currently rising, the almost full opening, as predicted was postponed by a month.
The delta variant accounts for about 6% of infections currently in Germany, four weeks ago the figure was 2%. RKI says there are 880 such cases, most under the age of 60, and expect an increase in infections.
What does politics do?
There are also rumors from politics that the danger has not passed. At the meeting of the state health ministers with the federal minister, Jens Spahn, this topic was widely discussed. “We have agreed to create a concept of readiness for vaccination centers, which allows the work to continue at a low pace, but which makes possible the immediate increase of capacity. Jens Spahn motto: In case of doubt better to do more, than less.
Another point where policy can influence are travel regulations especially now when the main travel and summer period begins. Here it goes: Whoever comes from a danger zone must be quarantined or show a negative test. From areas of so-called virus variants, such as India or the UK, a 14-day quarantine is valid, which is not shortened even by a negative test.
Whoever comes from abroad to Germany by plane must first be tested. Unlike last summer, there are plenty of tests now, Spahn said. The list of endangered sites can be found on the Robert Koch Institute website.
Masks and schools
Many Germans wonder if the masks will be removed or not. Lands are also responsible for this. On shopping malls in many regions there is no need to wear the mask anymore. On buses and subways it is still mandatory. “The mask will accompany us for another time,” said Minister Spahn. Now begins a phase with “a lot of responsibility for each other.” The more people gather in a certain space, the more there must be a willingness to hold the mask. Because there is still no vaccination offer for everyone.
This issue is more debated in schools. In Germany the summer holiday period extends, depending on the country, from July to September. For under-12s, as a rule, there will be no vaccines, according to the Regular Vaccination Commission. For everyone from 12-16 years old, the decision is made by the families themselves, there is no vaccination obligation.
Closing again in the fall?
The question that remains: Will there be another closure in the fall? A fourth wave of pandemics? Social Democrat (SPD) health expert Karl Lauterbach fears this could happen. In an interview he describes the delta variant as highly contagious and more dangerous, and partly even resistant to the vaccine, when it is given only once. Lauterbach, however, hopes that there will be no more “big wave, because many people have been vaccinated twice.”
The problem is that currently the vaccination campaign has to face a new difficulty.German vaccine, so hopeful, Curevac in the first analysis does not prove effective. There is uncertainty among other vaccine manufacturers because there are often delays in supply due to problems in vaccine production.
No carelessness
Currently every second German has received the first vaccine, every fourth is fully vaccinated. The rate of vaccination has increased in recent weeks. This temp should remain so, says Gernot Marx, head of the Interdisciplinary Association of Intensive and Emergency Medicine in an interview. But everyone’s behavior is also important. “If people behave carelessly, then in the fall we will have more infections, and a fourth wave is possible,” says Marx. “The risk of more seriously ill people and more deaths is still real.”
There is a belief among virologists that the pandemic will not disappear completely. COVID-19 will become a “normal” disease, like any other. Other vaccines are needed in the fall. That is why politics has decided not to close all vaccination centers. Source: DW