Shtatori po afron, e bashkë me të afrohet edhe sezoni i ri televiziv. Ashtu siç ndodh përherë, ndryshimet janë prezente në programacione dhe kurioziteti për t’i zbuluar sa më parë është i madh.
Ditën e djeshme Kryefjala zbuloi se po përflitet se Ilir Shaqiri do të zëvendësojë Kledi Kadiun në Dancing With the Stars Albania.
Ndërkohë së fundmi po përflitet një tjetër ndryshim në formatin në fjalë. Sërish sipas Kryefjala, këtë vit në Gold Room nuk do të presë VIP-at Eno Popi, por Megi Pojani.
Kujtojmë që vitin e kaluar Megi ishte në rolin e konkurentes. Pas mbarimit të DWTS ajo provoi eksperiencën në moderimin e Fun Club të BB VIP, e tashmë duket se është gati për një eksperiencë të re.
Salsano Rrapi and Erjona Kakeli have said ‘Yes’ to each other forever, after many years of happy relationship. On the occasion of Salsano’s birthday, the pair of actors have decided to get married and exchange rings for the first time with each other in the presence of their daughters as well.
Both the birthday party and the wedding were organized by the sea in Dhërmi in the presence of many famous personalities. Salsano was initially surprised by the birthday party, which friends seem to have kept secret. Then he and Erjona went together to the altar dressed for the first time as a bride and groom. Very excited they have placed the rings on each other’s finger, swearing that they will always be together with their two little ones.
The wedding of the couple was attended by many celebrities, mostly friends of Salsano from the comedy show “Orange”. The evening lasted long for them and ended with some quiet songs sung by guitar under the moonlight.
Recall that currently Salsano and Erjona are competing with each other, as they are part of two similar shows, but on different television. For years, Salsano has been part of “Portokalli” as a moderator and actor, while Erjona Kakeli joined the staff of the show “Kosherja” a few months ago.