Afrona Dika u rikthye edhe njëherë në vëmendjen e të gjithëve dhe kësaj radhe për ndarje.
Vetëm pak kohë pasi konfirmoi lidhjen e re të dashurisë me James, një biznesmen zviceran, Afrona duket se i ka dhënë fund.
Çifti javë më parë shijuan një pushim në Turqi ndërsa papritur u pa se më nuk ndiqen në rrjetet sociale.
Sipas burimeve të Prive pranë tyre nuk bëhet fjalë për ndonjë krizë por për ndarje përfundimtare.
Se çfarë ka ndodhur nuk dihet akoma pasi nuk ka pasur ndonjë reagim nga asnjëra palë.
In parallel with the duration of the pandemic, researchers from all over the world began work to see how protected we were from the new virus, such as those who gained natural protection and others who were immunized through the vaccine. While for the latter there are often contradictory reservations and studies, for naturally occurring antibodies there is only one voice, which has increased with the duration of SARSCOV-2. Until yesterday, researchers talked about protection for several months, as long as the study started at the beginning of the time with the outbreak of the pandemic. Now, refer to a few years. So little? Elite researchers at the University of Oxford, in the detailed analysis divided by gender, but also ethnicities, bring the duration of natural immunization to an average of 1.5 to 2 years. This is good news, which as always is the public health expert, academician Ilir Alimehmeti, who makes it public and interprets.
After researching 7,256 people infected with SARS-CoV-2 between April 26, 2020 and June 14, 2021, the researchers found that the immunity provided by antibodies lasts much longer than previously thought, according to epidemiologist Alimehmeti. “The level of 6 ng / ml, which is calculated as 50% effectiveness against the severe form of the disease, lasts: 1,140 days (interval 781 – 1,966) in women and 819 days (interval 605 – 1,158) in men. The level of 28 ng / ml, which is calculated as 50% effectiveness against reinfection, lasts: 673 days (interval 418 – 1.196) in women, and 495 days (interval 330-737) in men “, specifies in scientific terms the public health expert, as he adds how much more time passes, the scientific literature is supporting the long time of natural defense that people who have faced covid-19 have.