Beniada Jakic dhe Jori Delli, përvecse se janë dy prej vajzave më interesante të showbiz-it tonë, janë sigurisht edhe mikesha shumë të mira, ndërsa eksperiencat respektive në “BBVIP”, duket se i kanë afruar gocat më shumë dhe këtë periudhë janë thuajse të pandara.
Megjithatë, të gjithë ata që kanë shoqe të ngushta, e dinë mjaft mirë që ku ka miqësi, ka pak hakmarrje dhe pikërisht këtë në ka vërtetuar Beniada sot, e cila i ka “kthyer borxhin” Jorit, nga hera e fundit që ishim në udhëtim bashkë.
Nëse e mbani mend, ishte Jori ajo që e “akuzoi” Benin si një shoqe udhëtimi jo shumë të mirë, duke publikuar një foto të saj teksa flinte në makinë.
Ndërkohë tani e ka radhën Jori të “demaskohet” nga mikesha e saj, teksa në një prej fotove të fundit në Instagram, Beniada shfaqet pranë modeles, që është totalisht në gjumë dhe shkruan: ‘Kush ishte shoqja ideale? Jori Delli ciao’.
Tani duhet dikush t’i kapë teksa të dyja flejnë në makinë, për t’i dhënë fund njëherë e mirë ksaj historie.
The group for PD has considered illegal the development of the National Assembly of this political force two days ago. Through a statement to the media, the Group for PD says that the election of new members of the National Council has been problematic since the nomination of candidates.
According to them, the candidates were proposed in a clientelistic manner by the political leaders of the regions from the list of deputies. They also say the expulsion from the National Council of critics who oppose the leader has nothing to do with an opposition party.
“Everything that happened during this Assembly, showed and proved once again clearly that he who manipulates the votes and elections in his party, has no opportunity to blame the other for the same crime. The boycott made by thousands of party members to this Assembly, the deliberately inflated numbers from the PD controlled offices, to show support for the supreme leader, as well as the voting and counting at night of the members of the new National Council, once again showed the mentality of which is led by the DP today. Many of the candidates for members of the National Council were nominated clientelistically by political leaders of the list of deputies in the regions and heads of branches, not widely representing the membership. “Above all, the National Council can never be an advisory body,” the statement said.
Criticizing turnout, the PD group says members’ numbers were inflated from controlled offices to express support for the Democratic leader.