Kur ka kaluar 1 muaj nga dasma në Como të Italisë, Arbana Osmanit i kanë mbërritur të gjitha fotot. E duke qënë se nuk po i publikon pasi janë njëra më e bukur se tjetra, kanë mbetur ‘stok’ në telefonin e saj.
Moderatorja tregoi sot përmes disa fotove ngjarjet e javës, e në fund të galerisë ishin dhe të gjitha fotot nga ceremonia në Itali, të cilat nuk kishin si t’i shpëtonin syrit tonë.
Aty shihet Eduarti teksa kalon në tapetin e kuq, e më pas janë edhe disa foto të arredimit.
Nuk dihet nëse këto foto do dalin nga kamera e moderatores, e do shpërndahen edhe për publikun… por ne do presim, ashtu siç pritëm të shihnim copëzat nga dasma e saj.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that Serbia will oppose the lobbying that is expected to start from Turkey for the recognition of Kosovo’s independence. Ekspress writes that Vuçiç, during a visit to Manasi Monastery, was asked about the statement made by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo .an a few days ago, where he said that he would intensify lobbying for Kosovo’s independence. Vuçi se said that he would speak to Erdo .an personally, adding that until September 1, according to the Washington Agreement, the parties could not lobby for the recognition or non-recognition of Kosovo.
“I will try to talk to him. Until September 1, according to the Washington agreement, both parties are obliged not to lobby for recognition or recognition. “If they start the recognition campaign on September 1, or maybe before that, we will oppose it.”, stressed Vuçiç.
He further said that Serbia will try to oppose this lobbying by Turkey, where he further added that Erdogan is very strong and hopes that he will soften.
Serbia is not so small that it would not try to oppose, It remains for us to fight for our country and our people. We have no spare homeland, so we will see. Erdogan is very powerful, we are not, and I hope he will soften. If he does not soften, we will fight for our country. “And from God, you will see that we are not as small as I said.” said Vuçiç.