22.05.2021 – 19:28
The candidate for chairwoman of the Democratic Party, Edit Harxhi says that Lulzim Basha has the race and not with the other candidates. As she said the current leader should have resigned, she invited him to a public debate.
According to Harxhi, in these 8 years this political force has lost its anti-communist essence. “One of the main points we have not done is the evaluation of the candidate’s figure. I therefore say that the DP has lost its anti-communist essence. It is a new vision, of a modern right. I will not compete against other candidates, but against Basha. I invite Lulzim Basha and other candidates, I invite them to a public debate, they, Lulzim Basha to choose the forum, media, party structure, to come up with a debate and to face who is our vision for PD ” , said Harxhi for News24.
Harxhi, while talking about three ways how the Democratic Party can be structured and the reasons why Democrats should vote for it to lead the Albanian right.
“We tried to demand the resignation of the party chairman. The DP has been out of parliament and local government for two years. These have been costs, along with the costs of a June 5 deal. Basha’s guarantees no longer drink water. That is why we demand a profound reform from the foundations. The time has come to structure the party from the ground up.
The Albanian opposition, but also Albanian politics needs a new political class. What Democrats can see in me. They should see a woman who started this movement when she was 18 years old. I stand by the ideals of the student movement. I see someone who has been loyal to the DP, someone who has an advantage in international relations. My strongest point will be the return of the DP to the ideals of the 90s. It needs to be reformatted. The DP should be structured in three forms:
1-In ideological form
2-In the center, inside it
3-PD needs a complete restructuring in content.
It should be the rise of values in the first place. “But what was not done in these years is the opening and approach of any democratic contribution”, said among others Edit Harxhi.