Former Albanian actor Sokol Ajazi, 36, resident of Southgate, north of London, was arrested after he had installed a camera in the car to film every possible accident, but it was this camera that he took in his neck after recording the moment when he got out of the car. an amount of cocaine.
Police pursued the vehicle for a distance, before stopping it and conducting a search as there were suspicions about a bag they had seen inserting it into the car. The search revealed a secret place adapted with glass openings where cocaine was hidden. The search revealed one kilogram of cocaine. Eduart Hajdini, who accompanied him in the vehicle, a month ago was under surveillance from where he was filmed selling two kilos of cocaine to Thomas Scarrett, from the city of Bristol, who was sentenced to 6 years in prison.
A further search of Ajaz’s car turned up 500 grams of cocaine along with 2,000 pounds of ‘cash’. Film footage placed in the car by Ajazi revealed that he had taken the large bag of cocaine from a garage in Mintern Close, Enfield, a little earlier that day to give to Hajdin.
NCA officers searched that garage and found another 3 pounds of cocaine. Sokol Ajazi through several different actors recruitment agencies, was registered as an actor and starred in the films “The Contract and Una” and “Mercenaries” together with the famous actor Billy Zane.